Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I Need God Today

Because at the end of each day I have more questions than answers.
Because some days I think I have all the answers.
Because there is so much hopelessness in our world.
Because I want to hope.
Because I’m all alone.
Because I never have time to myself.
Because people are counting on me.
Because I’m counting on others.
For the one’s I love.
For the one’s I hate.
To lead me.
To push me.
To teach me.
To catch me.
To hold me.
To scold me.
To be in front of me.
To be behind me.
Because my path is crooked.
Because my path is straight.
Because I am tempted.
Because I am tested.
Because I fail.
Because I succeed.
Because I think myself worthy.
Because I think myself unworthy.
Because I trust Him.
Because I don’t trust Him.
Because I have everything I want.
Because I want everything.
Because I have all I need.
Because I don’t have what I need.

You see, it’s not just about needing Him when I’m lost. I need Him too, when I am found. He covers all. On each side of that tightrope I walk, there is someone, something there to throw me off, to push and pull until I no longer have the balance to stay above the dangerous pit. He reaches out His hands and steadies me. When I keep my eyes up, I can balance. Only the grace of God saves me when I loose it all and stumble towards the terrifying, unyielding world. His net catches me just in time. His grace wraps around me like a safe hug from my father. He rocks me and says it will be alright. I can get up again. Walk again, along that narrow rope of life, where there is only one right way. Any other way I choose will only lead to a fall. Missteps will take me toward the void, balance checks will have me looking down. With every sure step my confidence will grow but still the rope is not steady, it is not getting any wider. It remains narrow until the end is reached. Until I am truly free from this tight rope I walk.