Thursday, June 4, 2009

Measuring Scale

Reflecting on my life, I realize that my measuring scale is all off. I want to be measured by Jesus but I don’t want Jesus to be measured by me. I want for God to look at me and see His son who died for my sins. I want Him to see me for what Jesus is: courage, faith, forgiveness, thanksgiving, perserverance, respect, humility, hope, patience, gentleness, self-control, integrity, LOVE. I want to be those characteristics to God and for God. Yet, I don’t want people to look at me and see Jesus. Don’t misunderstand me. It is not because I don’t want to glorify or reflect Jesus, it is because I don’t glorify and reflect Jesus. I don’t want anyone who may not know Jesus to look at me with all of my hypocracy, anger, hatred, laziness, and all out sinfulness and think, “If that is a Christian, than I don’t want to be one.”

Alas, ther is hope. In my weakness, He is made strong. The truth of that is liberating. God can use me even in my imperfections, even in my weakness. He can use me for the good of His kingdom. I cannot sit back any longer, paralyzed by the fear of failure, of judgement, of weakness. He can use me. The beauty of God and Jesus is that He accepts us all, no matter what our faults and weaknesses. So, is it really so bad if someone looks at us with all of our faults and weaknesses and sees that God loves us anyway. His love is unconditional and so for that I am happy for Jesus to be measured by me. It wasn’t just for the perfect and righteous that He came, it was for us all.