Saturday, August 29, 2009

They've Still Got It

The veterans were at the house laying brick today. They've still got the touch.

No Huffing and Puffing will Bring This House Down

We got the green light to go ahead with bricking.

We got some rain so they made sure to dry the building in so we could continue with the interior.

We passed the sheating inspection but the inspector did insist that we add additional bracing to a few areas of the framing. With all of the bracing, brick, stone, CMU and rebar I am coming here in case of a huge storm. It's built for strength.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Setting Records

We are going too fast to keep up on the denton duplex. We passed the sheathing inspection today so we'll be bricking tomorrow. They should finish the roof tomorrow too and then we'll be dried in.

The front "door"

Kitchen, dining, living room

In other broken records, at my house, Stevie is trying to set the record for how fast a home can sell. It's not even on the market and she has a buyer. Here I thought this was a slow market. She's pretty good. It may have something to do with the amazing quality of home it is too.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Framing Away

The last two days, the framing has been going up super fast.

Day three of framing and it looks like a house.

Ramon and the boys were back to finish up the firewall. Ramon wouldn't let me work today so I was stuck with the supervisor position.

The city came and fixed the sidewalks and street where they had to cut for the sewer.

Here's proof that Kraft really was at the job and he does work occasionally.

This shot was taken yesterday afternoon.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Tale of Two Sides

Since the framers didn't make it out until LATE yesterday, all they were able to do was lay out the walls. They sure made up for it today though. By the time I made it out, half the duplex was pretty well framed. I know they've got a long way to go but it doesn't take long with these professionals. Dad called it "poetry in motion". It really is.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Great Wall of Denton

The wall is up. Tomorrow we start framing. Busy, busy.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Masonry Work and I mean WORK

As much fun as the pour was yesterday, laying block today was not. I don't know why anyone would want to do that day in and day out. I may have felt differently had I been one of the skilled laborors actually laying the block. Labor work is just that, LABOR. I'll give it to them. I didn't last half a day before I was DONE moving and stacking block. Maybe bricks will be more fun? We'll see when we get to that stage. For now, here are some progress photos and a couple fun ones where, yes, you witness me actually working.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Big Pour

The slab pour was set for 7 am and they were done by 9. I think I might like to be in the concrete business. There's a lot of excitement in the air on the day of the pour. Headed back for the tedious part so I might change my mind before the day is over.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Getting Ready to Pour

We had two inspections today...passed both. That means the pour is on for tomorrow.

The city made the first of two sewer taps today as well. They had to cut through our sidewalk and into the street. What a mess. Glad it was them doing it and not our guys.

In other news, I have a knot on my head after running into the T-pole while the electrical box was opened, ouch.